About trauma – how childhood events influence our present and future

About trauma – how childhood events influence our present and future

Mental disorders and personality disorders are two distinct categories of psychological disorders that significantly affect an individual’s mental state and behaviour. Although they have different characteristics and symptoms, both can cause significant difficulties in a person’s daily life and require therapeutic intervention.

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What do we do when 1+1=3? On infidelity in relationships

What do we do when 1+1=3? On infidelity in relationships

Infidelity in relationships can be discussed endlessly, as it is a complex and very controversial topic, most often referring to couple relationships. However, relational infidelity is not only confined to couple relationships, but also to friendship, collegiality, kinship, etc., where it brings at least as much frustration and pain and an equally difficult recovery process as infidelity in a couple.

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Healing the inner child to regain happiness and balance

Healing the inner child to regain happiness and balance

The inner child represents all our good and not-so-good experiences that were formed in childhood along with the attachment figures and contexts of the time. These experiences are subconscious and represent the fears and difficulties felt during that period of development together with the positive experiences lived at that time,

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