Pain - another way your brain communicates!Depression is one of the most common mental disorders worldwide. Depression...
The effects of the pandemic on mental health
The effects of the pandemic on mental health Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, many people have been...
The art of recalibrating our lives in times of quarantine
The art of recalibrating our lives in times of quarantineVoit sau nu, în ultima perioadă am ajuns să petrecem mai mult...
How negative emotions can help us
How negative emotions can help usThe late Israeli leader Golda Meir said, "Those who don't know how to cry with all...
Nine signs that could indicate a mental health problem
Nine signs that could indicate a mental health problemDo you know someone who seems to struggle with negative states,...
Myths and facts about sleep
Myths and facts about sleep The National Sleep Foundation has established 10 common sleep myths and the realities that...
Coping with stress – 10 coping strategies
How we cope with stress - 10 coping strategies -If we get fat, sleep badly, are tense, don't get along with our...
Eating disorders
Eating disordersThese disorders are characterized by marked disruption of a person's normal eating behavior, and the...
Oferim consultații gratuite de psihiatrie, în contract cu Casa de Asigurări de Sănătate, pentru pacienții asigurați care se prezintă cu bilet de trimitere de la medicul de familie/specialist.
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