Psih. Mădălina Savin

Psiholog clinician – pentru copii

Clinica Med Anima Iași

“I learned that nothing compares with sharing joy with a child. This is one of the rules I apply in therapy. In addition to learning, correction, reformation, I intend to bring good humor and happiness in my practice. The experience at the psychologist’s office has taught me that early intervention is one of the best methods to prevent and treat. Among children, early intervention not only has the effect of preventing or treating, but also of training and development, leading to independent, mentally and emotionally stable adults. “
Psiholog copii Iasi Madalina Savin

„The moments when you feel safe are actually the moments when you allow yourself to be vulnerable.
Every person has the right to communicate, to express themselves freely, to do things in their own way. As we expect to receive these things unconditionally, we also want the same for children, regardless of how they are. We want to communicate easily with them, to understand them and to respect their rights. This is what we, psychologists, do: we facilitate the interaction with children and help them and young people cope with the world and teach them how they can express themselves.

My role as a psychologist is to help people find their true potential and show them the path to what they want to achieve.”
Since I started practicing I have realized one thing: every person is different, with different needs. That’s why I treat each person in their own way, according to their needs.”

Psych. Mădălina Savin

Educație și specializări:

  • Facultatea de Psihologie și Științe ale Educației, specializare Psihologie, Universitatea “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iași, promoția 2018-2021
  • Master de Evaluare clinică, consiliere și psihoterapia cuplului și a familiei, Facultatea de Psihologie și Științe ale Educației, Universitatea “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iași, în curs
  • Tehnici de analiză comportamentală aplicată în tulburările de spectru autist
  • Sistemul de Comunicare prin Schimbul de Imagini (PECS)
  • Terapie de integrare senzorială
  • Tehnici logopedice
  • Îmbogățire Instrumentală Feuerstein Basic Nivel I
  • Îmbogățire Instrumentală Feuerstein Standard Nivel I
  • Psiholog cu drept de liberă practică practicant sub supervizare în specialitatea psihologie clinică acreditat de Colegiul Psihologilor din România

Services offered:

  • ABA Therapy (Children 2-18 years + Adults) – Therapy applied mainly to patients with autism (especially children); involves correcting behavior through specific methods; it can also be applied to non-disabled patients
  • PECS (Adults + children 2-18 years) – Alternative communication method using
    images (icons)
  • Speech therapy (Adults + children 2-18 years) – Correction Therapy / language stimulation
  • Clinical speech therapy (Adults + children 2-18 years) – Correction Therapy / language stimulation – applied to patients with major deficit, requires more time
  • Sensory integration (Adults + children 2-18 years old) – Desensitization of certain body areas that intensely perceive certain stimuli


  • Evaluare Denver II (Copii 0-5 ani) – se măsoară dezvoltarea globală (dezvoltarea copilului în raport cu vârsta)
  • Evaluare Raven – Test IQ (test de inteligență) – utilizează imagini
  • Evaluare ABAS (Copii 0-5 ani; Copii 5-12 ani; Copiil12-14 ani; Copii 14-18 ani; Adulți) – Test evaluare dezvoltare globală; presupune completare de chestionare
  • Evaluare WISC-IV (Copii 6-16 ani) – Test de inteligență (scor IQ) – utilizat adesea pentru evaluările psihologice pentru încadrare grad handicap copii
  • Evaluare NEPSY (Copii 3-12 ani) – Test evaluare dezvoltare globală; presupune probe practice
  • Consiliere psihologică (Copii 2-18 ani + Adulți)
  • Analiză comportamentală aplicată
  • Intervenție în tulburările de spectru autist

We offer free of charge for children, by contract with CAS: Psychological Counselling, Psychological Assessment, Psychotherapy

Being a parent is not easy! And we know it. We know that children’s health problems are a source of concern for you. Today we try to take two worries off your shoulders: their mental health and the financial aspect related to it.

With Med Anima, the issuance of the A5 medical certificate (Certificate of physical and mental health) for children is done free of charge by our specialists.

In addition, for children, it is not necessary to present a referral from the family doctor for psychiatric consultation or specialized psychological services. You can simply make the appointment in our clinic! Contact us if you want to know more.

Posts in our Med Anima Blog

Psychologist, psychotherapist and psychiatrist, what do I choose?

Have you ever wondered where to turn when your mind and emotions seem to be in an endless maze? You are not alone! Understanding the differences between a psychologist, psychotherapist and psychiatrist is key to knowing who to choose based on your specific needs. So, let’s solve this puzzle together!

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The Feuerstein Method – Who teaches us how to learn?

Regardless of age, whether we’re talking about children who want to learn the right way or adults who want to learn new information more easily, the Feuerstein method is designed to make learning easier. The Feuerstein Method aims to develop your intellectual abilities through a series of tests and exercises to make learning easier.

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Appointments in IAȘI:

+40 747 202 212 / +40 332 505 114

Appointments in TIMIȘOARA:

+40 754 431 431 / +40 356 800 300

Med Anima Iași:

Str. Străpungere Silvestru nr. 60, bl. CL 11, sc. B, ground floor, Iași, county: Iași

Med Anima Belcești:

com. Belcești, B entrance, Bl. 4, county: Iași

Med Anima Timișoara:

Bd. Eroilor de la Tisa nr. 8, 1st floor, Timișoara, county: Timiș

Our Doctors - Iași

Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Neurologists - Med Anima Clinic in Iasi. Dedicated to mental health

Med Anima clinics are ready to help you with a complete team of psychiatrists, neurologists, psychologists and psychotherapists, both for adults and children. With over 10 years of experience behind it, Med Anima is a clinic dedicated to mental health and improving the quality of life for people suffering from mental illness.

Meet the specialists in our team and make an appointment with the one that suits you best. Need help? Don't hesitate to contact us.

Dr. Irina Săcuiu

Psychiatrist, M.D.

Dr. Iuliana Fecioru


Dr. Andreea Giurgi


Dr. Oana Nantu


Dr. Emanuel Voina


Dr. Adrian Pascaru


Assist. Lecturer Dr. Andreea Moroșan


Dr. Andreea Nester


Dr. Ionela Mădălina Grosu

Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist

Dr. Amira Chehab


Dr. Oana-Maria Hantăr


Dr. Ludmila Baba

Pediatric Psychiatrist

Dr. Tudor Genes


Psych. Oana Amaziliței

Clinical psychologist, Psychotherapist

Psych. Nicu-Suflețel Gurguță

Clinical psychologist, psychotherapist

Psych. Diana Monor

Psychotherapist, Ph.D.

Psych. Ioana Maria Balint


Psych. Cătălina-Antonia Hausner

Clinical psychologist, Psychotherapist

Psych. Mădălina Savin

Clinical psychologist for children

Psych. Alexandra Anghel

Clinical psychologist

Psych. Lorena Iftimie

Clinical psychologist, Psychotherapist for children

Psych. Luminița Achirei

Couple and Family Psychotherapist, Clinical Psychologist

Dorina Drăgan


Andrei Crețu


Assist. Alexandra Ceuca


Simona Ostafe


Mădălina Sbângu


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