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TMS / Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Hope and Help for mental conditions
The public’s general opinion on mental health conditions is that they are treated with medication and eventually psychotherapy. Din fericire, sunt peste 10 ani de când aceasta nu mai este o realitate – medicina și știința au progresat constant, astfel că avem la dispoziție numeroase tratamente alternative demonstrate științific și aprobate de către OMS (Organizația Mondială a Sănătății), folosind dispozitive medicale autorizate. Unul dintre acestea este Stimularea Magnetică Transcraniană.
1. Why should I consider TMS?
Patients suffering from major depression (for example) do not always get satisfactory results from treatment with antidepressants. This is also true for other mental health conditions. In addition, in many cases, drug therapies have unpleasant side-effects that are difficult for patients to cope with – persistent fatigue, feelings of nausea, sexual dysfunction, etc. Moreover, in patients with comorbidities (multiple associated diseases), the psychiatrist may be limited in prescribing treatment by those drugs that the patient is already taking for other conditions – so that in extreme cases psychiatric medication may be very restricted.
In this case, if you or a loved one have already unsuccessfully tried several approaches in treating a particular mental health condition, TMS / Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation may be a suitable option for you for reducing symptoms and improving quality of your life. You can discuss this with your psychiatrist during your periodic consultation/assessment to receive a recommendation for TMS treatment.
What are the benefits of TMS / Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation treatment?
✅ Safe and effective treatment
✅ Non-invasive and painless procedure
✅ Does not affect cognitive function
✅ Does not require sedation or anesthesia
✅ Does not interfere with the patient’s activity – they can resume their usual activity immediately after each therapy session
✅ Not addictive
✅ Does not cause side effects common with antidepressant medications
✅ Therapeutic effects may be seen after the first few sessions and persist for at least 12 months after treatment
✅ Can be used as monotherapy or in combination with psychiatric medication
It should be noted that TMS is not usually used as a “first-line treatment”, but is recommended only after other traditional treatment methods recommended by doctors, such as antidepressants, have been tried, and is used as a complementary treatment to the classic, medication-based treatment, especially in treatment-resistant depression.
However, it is useful to mention that TMS treatment can be used as a “first-line treatment” in patients who, for various reasons, cannot take medication-based treatment.
2. What are the main mental health conditions that can be treated with TMS?
Depression (FDA approved treatment since 2008)
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Addictions (alcohol, nicotine, cocaine, etc.)
Chronic pain
Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD)
Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia
Panic attacks
Memory, attention and concentration disorders
Facilitates post-stroke recovery (motor deficit, aphasia, etc.)
According to numerous clinical studies, TMS represents a very good treatment method for various types of addictions, especially since the general treatment options for this type of condition are relatively limited.
Contraindications for TMS treatment: presence of medical devices that may be affected by the magnetic field (pacemakers, cochlear implants), metal implants in the head (clips, plates, screws), epilepsy.
3. What is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)?
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive neuromodulation and neurostimulation procedure that repetitively stimulates nerve cells in the brain to function normally or at optimized parameters.
Particularly as a treatment for mental conditions, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is significantly helpful in alleviating symptoms. The therapeutic effect of TMS is achieved through repetitive stimulation (rTMS) of specific brain areas involved in certain psychiatric and neurological conditions where it is recommended as a treatment method.
The therapeutic effect of TMS
The therapeutic effect of TMS is achieved through repetitive stimulation (rTMS) of specific areas in the brain involved in certain psychiatric and neurological conditions, where it is recommended as a treatment method.
Repetitive Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) is usually used when conventional treatments (medication, psychotherapy) have not been effective, have produced side effects (drug interactions), or cannot be applied (for example, in patients with multiple chronic psychiatric or physical conditions with complex medication).
Magnetic stimulation has been used since 1985 to alleviate intense sadness and feelings of despair that come with depression.
If you or a loved one have already tried multiple approaches without success in treating depression, TMS may be a suitable option. The prescription of this treatment, along with the treatment plan, is made by your psychiatrist following a consultation, so the first step is to schedule an appointment or a follow-up.
TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) Appointment form
Please fill in the details below to request an appointment and/or information about TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation). A member of the Med Anima team will contact you shortly after receiving the form to discuss all the details together.
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4. How does Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) work?
During a TMS treatment session, a device containing an electromagnetic coil is placed near your head. The electromagnet releases a magnetic pulse that stimulates those nerve cells in the region of the brain involved in the mental condition you are treating, activates those regions of the brain that have low activity, and thus generates effects and manifestations in the psychological plane. This procedure does not involve significant pain or discomfort.
Each treatment session usually lasts ⏲️ between 3 and 30 minutes and is recommended to be repeated about 5 times a week. The duration of a full course of treatment can generally be 📅 between 4 and 6 weeks but it can be longer or shorter – your psychiatrist will make the necessary recommendations during the consultation regarding the duration, frequency and other details of treatment, depending on your condition (pathology and its severity) and other parameters that you discuss together.
🌤️TMS is a medical device, approved by ANMDM (an institution under the Ministry of Health)
What to expect during a typical TMS treatment session:
You will sit or lie down comfortably while the doctor places a device containing an electromagnetic coil near your head. Its positioning is done precisely, according to the indications of your psychiatrist, to stimulate exactly that area of your brain responsible for the existence of the psychiatric condition you are treating.
The coil generates magnetic pulses directed towards the brain. It is part of a complex, high-performance device that knows how to direct the magnetic impulse exactly where it needs to go and only there.
The sensation is not painful, but you may feel slight pulses (or a sensation of “clicking”) in the area where the coil is placed. These magnetic impulses generate micro-currents in your nerve cells, similar to those that exist (or should exist) naturally there.
After completing a TMS treatment session, you can immediately resume your normal activities.
What are the possible side effects of TMS?
Although pain is usually not a side effect of TMS, some people have reported discomfort during the procedure. The electromagnetic impulses can cause facial muscle contraction or a slight tingling sensation.
The procedure is associated with mild to moderate short-term adverse reactions, which usually disappear after the first few sessions, such as:
- dizziness
- temporary hearing problems due to the (sometimes loud) magnet noise
- mild headaches
- tingling in the face, jaw, or scalp
- nausea
5. How TMS came about. Brief history
TMS was invented in 1985, but the principles behind TMS date back to 1845, when Michael Faraday, an English physicist, observed that an electric current passed through a coil of wire creates a magnetic field. By modulating the electric current feeding the coil, he was able to determine that this electromagnetic field induces a secondary current in another conductor (in the case of TMS, this is the nervous system itself).
In 1896, the first use of magnetic fields in humans was reported, and in 1902, two doctors from Vienna used magnetic fields in the treatment of “depression and neuroses.”
In 1985, Anthony Barker and his collaborators built the first magnetic transcranial brain stimulator. Snce magnetic fields can pass through the skull with little resistance, scientists today can induce currents in certain cortical areas using TMS.
In 2008, TMS was first indicated for the treatment of depression. Subsequently, the FDA recommended the treatment for OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) and neuropathic pain. Since then, TMS has been the focus of numerous studies, and the number of TMS providers has grown worldwide.
The development of TMS technology over time has made transcranial magnetic stimulation, alongside MRI, one of the most important means of exploring brain function.
TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) Appointment form
Please fill in the details below to request an appointment and/or information about TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation). A member of the Med Anima team will contact you shortly after receiving the form to discuss all the details together.
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