Loneliness and its impact on depression
Are single people more prone to depression?
For some people, solitude can be an opportunity for introspection and self-discovery. It becomes a necessary stage in healing, especially in cases of depression. But for many others, unintentional loneliness can amplify the symptoms of depression.
What is loneliness and why does it affect us?
From childhood, we learn to live connected to those around us. As Yalom said, the need for connection is as essential as food. The human being is a “social animal”, and the idea of loneliness may seem threatening to many of us.
However, each person has a unique definition of loneliness. For some, it can mean the peace they need to find themselves, while for others it is a heavy burden that adds to their suffering.
That’s why to understand how loneliness affects a person, it’s essential to explore their past: family relationships, friendships, romantic and professional experiences.
Loneliness: obstacle or opportunity?
For some people, solitude can be an opportunity for introspection and self-discovery. It becomes a necessary stage for healing, especially in cases of depression. But for many others, unintentional loneliness can amplify the symptoms of depression, especially at times of major change, such as the transition from adolescence to adulthood. Young adults often experience a social rupture when they become disconnected from friends and everyday routines. This social isolation, combined with new responsibilities, can create a breeding ground for depression. In such situations, genuine connections with others become an essential element for healing.
How can loneliness amplify depression?
When loneliness is imposed rather than chosen, it can fuel feelings of worthlessness and loss of meaning. Many patients describe feeling that they are “fading before their time” or “growing old socially” without having the experiences they dreamed of. Depression becomes a vicious circle: you isolate yourself because you feel bad, but the isolation makes you feel worse. It’s a trap that takes a lot of effort to overcome.
The key to healing: authentic relationships
Healing is not just about being surrounded by people, it’s about creating connections that matter. It’s about relationships where you can offer love, patience and support and, in return, receive meaning and gratitude. This philosophy, “healing by healing others,” is a powerful way to overcome depression. By helping others, you get to heal parts of yourself, discovering a deeper purpose.
Not all loneliness is bad
There are people for whom solitude is a conscious and beneficial choice. For them, it can be a time to focus on their career or a necessary refuge for emotional balance. On the other hand, there are people for whom too much social interaction becomes a burden, especially if they have not been used to intense relationships. In such cases, the solution is not to force socializing, but to encourage finding a balance between time spent alone and with others.
So are single people more prone to depression?
The answer depends. If loneliness is a conscious choice, motivated by clear goals, it can be a valuable resource. But when it is felt as a burden, it can amplify the symptoms of depression. Specifically, if we feel that we have become lonely without wanting to be, we may feel sad or depressed. We are made to grow through relationships – either with others or with ourselves. Sometimes healing starts with taking time to get to know, accept and redefine the meaning of life. Other times, the key lies in rebuilding connections that fill your life with meaning.
- Gilbert, Paul. Overcoming Depression: A Books on Prescription Title. London: Robinson, 2013.
- Stahl, Stephanie. The Child in You: The Breakthrough Method for Bringing Out Your Authentic Self.
- Yalom, Irvin D. Existential Psychotherapy. New York: Basic Books, 1980.
Author: Psih. Oana Amaziliței – Clinical psychologist / psychotherapist, Med anima Iasi clinic
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