Pain – another way your brain communicates!

Depression is one of the most common mental disorders worldwide.

Depression can make you feel sick and can lead to symptoms such as exhaustion, headaches or generalised muscle pain. Depression is more than just sadness and requires treatment.

It is important to know your body and mind. Physical symptoms, such as pain, may indicate the onset of a depressive period or may be an indicator that you are going through a period of emotional imbalance.

Depression – Overview

We all know that depression is mainly characterised by a mood disorder that causes a range of emotional symptoms, including persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest in things that used to bring joy.

But it is less well known that DEPRESSION HURTS! And we often associate this condition with emotional pain, such as sadness, crying, and feelings of hopelessness but depression can often manifest as physical pain.

Some cultures view depression as physical pain, especially where mental health is a taboo subject. For many people, depression is considered a myth. Thus, physical pain is associated with a somatic disorder and people often turn to some medical specialties for treatment of physical symptoms, which are actually signs of depression.

It’s important to know your body and mind. Physical symptoms, such as pain, may indicate the onset of a depressive period or may be an indicator that you are going through a period of emotional imbalance.

How can depression make you physically ill?

The human body can experience the symptoms of depression in different forms. Here are some of the different physical symptoms and the reasons why they occur:

1. Diarrhoea, upset stomach and abdominal pain

The gastrointestinal tract is said to be our ‘second brain’, as a link has been established between gut health and mental well-being.

Indeed, the brain is directly connected to the gastrointestinal system. Often caused by food poisoning, viruses or gastrointestinal bacteria, we can assume that intestinal discomfort stems from a physical illness. At the same time, depression, anxiety and stress have been shown to affect the movements and contractions of the gastrointestinal tract which can cause diarrhoea, constipation or nausea. Digestive problems, such as constipation or diarrhoea, can be embarrassing and uncomfortable and can affect our mental state.

Your emotions also seem to have an impact on stomach acid production, which can increase your risk of gastric ulcer. There is some evidence that stress can cause or worsen acid reflux.

There also appears to be a link between gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and anxiety. Depression is also correlated with irritable bowel syndrome.

Worsening pain, especially when stress occurs, can be a sign of depression. In fact, researchers at Harvard University suggest that Stomach discomfort, such as cramps, bloating and nausea, may be a sign of deteriorating mental health.

2. Sleep disturbance

Sleep disturbances are common symptoms of depression. Whether you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, or have a restless sleep, these can be symptoms of depression or anxiety. Depression can cause or worsen insomnia, and insomnia can increase the risk of depression.

The effects of sleep deprivation worsen other symptoms of depression, such as stress and anxiety, headaches and a decrease in immunity.

3. Fatigue or low energy

Fatigue is a common symptom of depression. Occasionally, we all experience lower energy levels and may feel sluggish in the morning, perhaps wanting to stay in bed and watch TV instead of going to work.

Although we often think that exhaustion is caused by stress, depression can also cause fatigue. However, unlike everyday fatigue, depression-related fatigue can also result in problems concentrating, irritability and apathy.

Of course, everyday fatigue can be a sign of depression, but most of the time when you are depressed, fatigue is associated with other symptoms such as sadness, hopelessness and anhedonia (lack of pleasure in everyday activities).

4. Decreased pain tolerance (i.e. “everything hurts more”)

Do you ever feel that the pain is so great that you perceive it as a burning and yet you can’t find any physical reason for your pain? As it turns out, depression and grief often coexist.

Numerous studies have confirmed a significant correlation between depressive disorder and low pain tolerance, with pain having a greater impact on people who are depressed.
These two symptoms do not have a clear cause-and-effect relationship, but it is important to assess them together.

Some research suggests that the use of antidepressants may not only help relieve depression, but may also act as a pain-relieving remedy.

5. Headaches

Almost everyone has headaches occasionally, they are so common that we often regard them as not being a serious condition. Stressful situations at work, such as conflict with a co-worker, can cause these headaches. However, the headache might not always be stress-induced, especially if you have tolerated your colleague in the past. If you notice the switch to daily headaches, it could be a sign of depression.

According to some studies, 30 to 60% of people with depression have headaches.

Depression and associated symptoms such as stress and anxiety have been shown to cause headaches. Depression also appears to increase the risk of recurrent headaches of greater intensity and longer duration. Disturbed sleep can also contribute to more frequent or severe headaches.

Headaches aren’t the only clue that your pain may be psychological. People with depression often have additional symptoms such as sadness, feelings of irritability and low energy.

Muscle and joint pain

There is a confirmed link that depression can cause pain and pain can cause depression. Back pain and other joint and muscle pain are common physical symptoms of depression.

Depression and other mood disorders have been shown to alter the perception of pain, which can trigger or worsen pain. Fatigue and loss of interest, which are common symptoms in depression, can lead to lack of physical movement. This inactivity can cause pain, muscle and joint stiffness.

6. Eye problems or decreased vision

Do you look around and the world seems blurry? We all know that depression can make the world seem “grey” and bleak, but it’s less well known that this mental health problem can actually affect vision. It has been shown that patients with severe depression have difficulty seeing the differences between black and white. Known to researchers as “contrast perception”, this could explain why depression can make the world seem literally blurry.

7. Decreased immunity

Depression affects the immune system in several ways.

When you sleep, your immune system produces cytokines and other substances that help your body fight infection. Insomnia, a common symptom of depression, interferes with this process, increasing the risk of infection and illness.

There is also evidence that depression and stress are linked to inflammation. Chronic inflammation plays a role in the development of several diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

8. Increased heart rate and blood pressure

Depression and stress have been shown to impact the heart and blood pressure. Stress and depression not managed properly can cause:

  • irregular heart rhythms
  • high blood pressure
  • arterial damage

A 2013 study found that depression is common in people with uncontrolled hypertension. It has also been noted that depression can interfere with blood pressure management.

9. Weight loss or weight gain

Your mood can affect your diet. For some, depression causes a loss of appetite that could lead to weight loss.

For other people with depression, feeling hopeless can lead to unhealthy food choices and loss of interest in exercise. A focus on foods high in sugars, fats and carbohydrates is also common in depression.

Obesity also seems to be common in people with depression, so much so that research has shown that about 45% of adults with depression are obese.

Treating the physical symptoms of depression

1. Antidepressants

Antidepressants are medicines for depression. Antidepressants work by correcting imbalances in the neurotransmitters in the brain that are responsible for your mood.

They can help physical symptoms caused by common chemical signals in the brain. Some antidepressants can also help relieve headaches, insomnia and lack of appetite.

2. Behavioural therapy

Cognitive behavioural therapy, interpersonal therapy and other types of behavioural therapy have been shown to help treat mood disorders and pain. Cognitive behavioural therapy is also an effective treatment for chronic insomnia.

3. Transcranial electrical stimulation

Both for treating the symptoms of depression and for relieving chronic pain, transcranial electrical stimulation is indicated, a new form of therapy that is non-invasive, virtually side-effect-free and at least as effective as antidepressant medication.

4. Stress reduction techniques

Techniques to reduce stress and the physical and emotional symptoms of depression include:

  • exercise
  • massage
  • yoga
  • meditation

5. Natural remedies

You may also find relief from symptoms using natural remedies such as natural sleep aids and natural painkillers.

Omega-3 fatty acids have also been shown to have numerous benefits that can help with depression and related symptoms and conditions.

When should you consult a doctor?

In order to receive a correct diagnosis and treatment, you need to consult a psychiatrist. See a doctor when any of the physical symptoms listed above do not improve within two weeks. Make an appointment with a doctor or mental health professional immediately if you start to notice signs of depression.

The physical symptoms of depression are real and can negatively affect your daily life and that of your family.

Everyone experiences depression differently and therefore there is no one-size-fits-all treatment, often requiring a combination of antidepressants and psychotherapy to help.
As in any other condition, the more the diagnosis and appropriate treatment are established at the onset of symptoms, the faster and easier the healing and wellness will be achieved with fewer drugs and in a shorter time.
Talk to a psychiatrist about your treatment options!
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