Cognitive training in children, the key to success at school (and beyond)
We often look at children as miniature adults. They may look like that, but they are not. In fact, it takes 25 years for their brains to reach adulthood, during which time they are constantly developing various skills.
Some skills that are closely linked to the development of the prefrontal cortex, such as executive functionsare not fully developed until adulthood, for this reason, cOur children are in great need of adult help for certain tasks that are based on the development of executive functions.
Executive functions – what are they and how do they help?
Let’s find out together what these executive functions are and how we can influence their development in our children!
Executive functions describe the cognitive processes used in planning and decision-making. In developing these cognitive processes parents and teachers play a key role in providing children with the mental tools they need to acquire these skills.
Executive function refers to the skills that help us to:
✅ focus
✅ plan
✅ prioritize
✅ work towards our goals
✅ self-regulate our behaviors and emotions
✅ adapt to new and unexpected situations
✅ engage in abstract thinking and planning
Like a principal conductor for an orchestra, executive functions oversee and coordinate a multitude of cognitive, behavioral and emotional tasks!!!!
Major components of executive functions include:
inhibitory control (the ability to control impulses);
working memory (a type of short-term memory involving the temporary storage and manipulation of information)
cognitive flexibility or adaptation (the ability to switch thinking to different topics).

Executive function in children
The development of executive functions in childhood is therefore a challenging stage for everyone involved: parents, children and teachers alike. This is because, although our executive functioning skills begin to develop in the first year of life, they are not fully developed until the age of 25! As with other developmental milestones, there is some normal variability in the time at which children acquire the developmental milestones of executive functions. Each of these skills develops at different rates, with windows of growth and opportunities for intervention. It is well known that some children experience greater than normal challenges or delays in their executive functioning skills.
😶🌫️ For some children, executive function problems present as difficulties with impulse control, tant tantrums and difficulty self-regulating emotions.
️ For others, the challenges of school organization, time management and remembering instructions are more emphasized.
♂️Adolescenții who are struggling with difficulties of executive functions fail to become independent and or plan for the future.
Executive function abilities can be substantially encouraged or hindered by environmental factors, including early childhood stress, family structure and educational opportunities. Fortunately, this means that these skills are highly malleable and susceptible to improvement.
Evidence-based interventions have been rigorously studied and have shown that children’s executive functions can be stimulated following structured educational, neuropsychological and social-emotional programs.
Favorable interventions: cognitive training and physical activity
Interventions targeting executive functions in children have grown exponentially in recent years. Some of the best known interventions are those using computerized programs, such as computerized cognitive training. These child-friendly interventions consist of intensive training (e.g., several sessions per week for 5 to 15 weeks) of specific executive functions, such as working memory or impulse control.
How computer-based training in the cognitive training program influences children’s executive functions and academic performance
As parents, we are always looking for the best for our children. We want them to grow up healthy, happy and successful. One of the best ways to prepare our children for future success is to give them the best education possible. But as in so many areas of the fast-paced, high-tech contemporary world we all live in, it can be difficult to keep up with how new technologies are changing our traditional ways of teaching and whether these new tools are actually making a difference.
Research has shown that cognitive training facilitates children’s learning outcomes, executive functions and school performance.
Results showed a clear improvement in the academic performance of children who completed computer-based training, which is in line with other recent studies. Improvements occurred in language and science subjects, suggesting “a significant contribution of cognitive training to learning in a school context”.
There is a direct correlation between the degree of development of executive functions and academic performance. Thus, stimulating the development of executive functions in children increases their potential in key aspects of learning and academic performance, such as verbal, logical reasoning, problem solving, planning or reading skills.
At Med Anima, computerized cognitive stimulation is offered to the little ones in programs specially designed for them, in 15-minute sessions, 3 times a week. A complete computerized cognitive training package lasts 15 weeks:
Computerized Cognitive Stimulation sessions for children:
15 minutes x 3 days a week = 600 lei / month
Recommended duration: 15 weeks
For the small patients of the clinic, during the follow-up consultation, the pediatric psychiatrist can offer a free computerized cognitive stimulation session!
Fill in the form to be contacted:
Along with computerized cognitive training, interventions involving physical activity (such as aerobic exercise or practicing yoga) as well as organized sporting activities (such as soccer or basketball) and martial arts benefits the development of executive skillsas they require children to keep rules and strategies in mind, adapt flexibly to the actions of others and monitor their own performance and behavior. Physical activity is also essential for blood (and therefore oxygen) to reach the brain and for emotional well-being, which are in turn essential for the development of children’s executive function.
Cognitive training on vacation?
Research shows that cognitive preparation during the summer months can help prevent the so-called “summer slide”, a well-documented phenomenon in which students lose some of the academic gains they made during the school year.
The “summer slide” is a well-documented phenomenon that highlights the extent of cognitive decline that children experience in the summer months when they are not engaged in structured educational activities. Several studies have provided valuable insights into how much learning loss typically occurs:
General decrease in learning ability
On average, students lose about one to three months of learning over the summer. This overall decline is more pronounced in certain subjects, especially math and reading, where students often lose the progress they have made during the school year.
Declining math skills
Declining reading skills
Long-term impact
The neuroscience behind computerized cognitive training
Cognitive training involves engaging in activities that stimulate different aspects of brain function, including memory, attention, processing speed and problem-solving skills. During summer vacation, when academic pressures are reduced, children’s brains are more receptive to learning through play and exploration. This makes summer an ideal time for parents to introduce cognitive games and activities that not only entertain but also challenge and develop young minds.
Studies in neuroscience suggest that the brain in general is highly plastic, which means that it has the ability to reorganize itself by forming new neuronal connections. This neuroplasticity is particularly pronounced in children, whose brains are still developing. By engaging in cognitive training activities, children can strengthen these connections, enhancing their cognitive abilities and preparing them for the next school year.
The power of cognitive training
Computer-based cognitive training is specifically designed to target key areas of brain function, stimulating memory development, pattern recognition, logical reasoning and strategic planning, and can significantly boost cognitive development. These activities not only reinforce what children have learned during the school year, but also introduce them to new concepts and ways of thinking.
These specially designed trainings have the ability to make learning fun, keeping children engaged as they unknowingly hone critical cognitive skills.
As children return to school with strengthened cognitive skills, they are better prepared to meet academic challenges, which can contribute to higher overall classroom performance. In addition, fostering a love of learning through engaging and rewarding activities can instill a lifelong passion for intellectual growth.
In a world that increasingly values innovation and problem solving, cognitive training is not just an educational tool, it is an investment in the future. By incorporating cognitive games and activities like math games into their summer routines, parents can help their children build a solid foundation for academic and personal success.
At Med Anima, computerized cognitive stimulation is offered to young children in programs specially designed for them, in 15-minute sessions, 3 times a week. A complete computerized cognitive training package lasts 15 weeks:
Computerized Cognitive Stimulation sessions for children:
15 minutes x 3 days a week = 600 lei / month
Recommended duration: 15 weeks
For the small patients of the clinic, during the follow-up consultation, the pediatric psychiatrist can offer a free computerized cognitive stimulation session!
Fill in the form to be contacted:
By harnessing the power of cognitive training, we can ensure that our children are not only ready for the next school year, but also prepared for the challenges of an ever-changing world.
Cognitive training approaches are used as interventions for conditions such as ADHD, anxiety and depression, emotion and impulse control disorders in children as well as in various learning disabilities and in children without developmental difficulties, as it is known that stimulating working memory plays a vital role in a child or young person’s ability to learn and has an impact on their behavior at school.
- Yingying Wu et all, Computer-based multiple component cognitive training in children with ADHD: a pilot study, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health volume 17, Article number: 9 (2023)
- Eugene H. Wong, et all, Improving Cognitive Abilities in School-Age Children via Computerized Cognitive Training: Examining the Effect of Extended Training Duration, Brain Sci. 2023 Dec; 13(12): 1618.
- Wiest D.J., Wong E.H., Bacon J.M., Rosales K.P., Wiest G.M. The effectiveness of computerized cognitive training on working memory in a school setting. Appl. Cogn. Psychol. 2020;34:465-471
- Gade M., Zoelch C., Seitz-Stein K. Training of visual-spatial working memory in preschool children. Adv. Cogn. Psychol. 2017;13:177
Dr. Irina Săcuiu – Primary Psychiatrist, PhD in Medical Sciences
Contact us for an appointment or to discuss any other details or concerns you have that we can help you with:
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