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Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy

Hope and Help for mental conditions

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation - Med Anima Iasi

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Different people require different treatments – that’s why we always seek innovative solutions to help those for whom the path to “a better life” might seem tough.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation – TMS in psychiatry, is the newest treatment that our clinic makes available to patients, offering new solutions to relieve symptoms for psychiatric patients with treatment-resistant depressionfor addictions, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorderas well as for many other psychiatric conditions – TMS offers a real possibility in regaining a better life.

We inspire hope and restore well-being.

We are here to remind you that hope exists, even when you are dealing with mental disorders. We know that this is truly helpful when you’re trying to find the courage to ask for help, especially when the pain is inside and can’t be seen, but only felt.

This is the first step towards healing – to seek help – and the healing journey shouldn’t be a lonely one. Especially when we can do all the steps together.

Our goal is to be one of the best medical centers dedicated to mental health in Romania. Our mission is to improve the care and recovery of those who struggle with mental disorders by providing high-quality medical services.

We have a multidisciplinary team of specialists ready to address a wide range of psychiatric conditions or difficulties you may face in everyday life.


Hope… Help… Healing.

Technology and Innovation

We are always concerned with innovation and research in the field. Therefore, we stay connected to technological advancements and constantly integrate science with our practice:

Computer-Assisted COGNITIVE STIMULATION Therapy

Computer-assisted cognitive stimulation therapy is available to help patients improve cognitive functions such as attention, memory, executive functions, and visual field. It is an optimal treatment for cognitive deficits in all stages of recovery and at any age.


Optimizing Psychiatric Treatment with GENOMIND PROFESSIONAL PGX Genetic Testing

Personalizing medication in psychiatry through genetic testing is a worldwide novelty and an approach that Med Anima immediately embraced as we aim to improve the lives of patients with mental illnesses. Our psychiatrists can help you.


Treatment of Depression with Transcranial Electric Stimulation – HDC stim

Transcranial electric stimulation is seen as a unique, accessible treatment administered with a portable and user-friendly device. The treatment is EFFECTIVE, SAFE, NON-INVASIVE, PAINLESS, and classified as a medical device according to EU and international regulations.


Our Services

Med Anima clinics in Iasi and Timisoara offer you a full package of services, ranging from psychiatry, psychotherapy, and psychological counseling to treatments with the highest technology. Our services are available for both adults and children.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy

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Treatment of Depression with Transcranial Electrical Stimulation

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Computer Assisted Cognitive Stimulation Therapy

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Genetic testing for optimising treatment of mental disorders

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Psychiatry consultations

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Psychotherapy – Online

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Our Specialists

Med Anima clinics provide assistance with a multidisciplinary team of psychiatrists, psychologists, and psychotherapists for both adults and children.

Meet the specialists in our team and make an appointment with the one who seems best for your needs. Need help? Don’t hesitate to contact us.

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Appointments in IAȘI:

+40 747 202 212 / +40 332 505 114

Appointments in TIMIȘOARA:

+40 754 431 431 / +40 356 800 300

Med Anima Iași:

Str. Străpungere Silvestru nr. 60, bl. CL 11, sc. B, ground floor, Iași, county: Iași

Med Anima Belcești:

com. Belcești, B entrance, Bl. 4, county: Iași

Med Anima Timișoara:

Bd. Eroilor de la Tisa nr. 8, 1st floor, Timișoara, county: Timiș